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Matthew Sheppard

Matthew Sheppard Organization

To Matt

Matts Place


The Vigil

Tribute to Matthew Shepard

A Gentle Spirit

Matthew Shepard 1976 to 1998

Looking for Mr. Goodbar...Gay Style

TIME magazine 'Man of the Year' poll 1998

Matthew Shepard should be Time's "Man of the Year" not merely because he was murdered in an act of hate,
but because his murder shocked this nation and gave us pause. That doesn't happen much any more.We are so jaded. Matthew's murder brings together so many issues that are raging in this country and wrenches them back into the national debate: homosexuality, hate, religious values, fundamentalism, conservatism, discrimination, civil rights, politics, and the judicial system.For a moment, we considered our friends, family, and ourselves and how fragile life really is. It opened up so many questions and supplied no answers.In that young fresh human soul and the gruesome description of a scarecrow-like body left for dead in the cold night with tears streaming across a face bloodied and beaten is a sad story. A story of the failings of the human race and of our world and society.
A message taken from the TIME magazine on-line bulletin board (Dec 12).

Matthew's parents now have a direct email address. It is: Mrs.Judy Shepard
The family have established the Matthew Shepard Foundation, with the aim of helping people to abandon ignorance, prejudice and hate.

  This Matthew Shepard Memorial Web Ring site owned by Craig Michael.
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