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I'm 33 years old, white male
Brown hair/Brown eyes,mustache

5'11", 165
I was Born in Newport Beach, California

I was born on April 22,1969. At Hoge Hospital in Newport Beach, Calif.

My birth sign is Taurus, THE BULL!!!

My hobbies:water ski/Jet Ski,Camping,Traveling across the country,Roller Blading,

Correspondence with My Friends,Cook Outs,have barbeques,Dancing,Candle lite Suppers,

To be a proud father,which I've always have wanted to be. Which in the last five years,I've had my two little angels,"Midnight" one black pussycat,Midnight is real quite, and fast like lightening,anything she hears, **FLASH*** she's gone! And my other one is"Lady" she's a gray and white pussycat.Lady's an all out Tomboy, soft as Rabbit,and mischievous as a raccoon.She's a character.My two girls will keep anyone entertained for hours,to watch them box like kangaroo's.I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!!

They have always been there,for Me!!I love them with all my heart…

One of most favorite places to live was San Diego, California

I work at Sea World back in 1992,for the summer,which was a really cool place to work,

My Exhibit was "The Shark Encounter" It opened up that summer,I really had a great opportunity to make new friends,and meet some big stars.

Minutes away from the beaches,walking distances from the malls,

The clubs are open till 2 am, some till 5 am. They're so many things to do on the west coast.

People from all walks of life are there,doesn't matter what you look like,what you wear,who you date or who you dance with male or female,Nobody Cares!
Times are changing….

I moved to Alabama 9 years ago,I'm the youngest out of Five siblings,One girl and Four boys.Three of My siblings are old enough to be my parents,if that gives you a clue…

My DAD is 78,and my MOM is 74, which they had me late in Life. :)

I've traveled around the United States,when I was younger,I've been to 28 states, and I have lived in other states, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas.I've have traveled from West coast to East coast.

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